10 Ways to Boost Your Blog’s Traffic


Have you thought of a good idea and a blog dedicated to it? If yes, then you’re one of the rare blog owners that have successfully executed their idea. However, it’s quite possible that you’re still not attracting enough traffic to your posts. What seems to be the problem?

The reasons can be numerous, but in most cases – it comes down to bad content management, slow website and app loading times and other technical problems.

When these seemingly harmless factors appear at the same time, your blog can easily become less appealing for both readers and B2B clients. Here are the 10 ways to correct any mistakes and cause that precious traffic to start “pouring in”.

  1. Base campaigns around pillar articles

For most blog post readers, everything comes down to getting as much information in as few clicks as possible. That means that readers from all groups prefer so-called pillar articles. What is a pillar article? In digital marketing, we call these articles pillars because they cover everything and are counted as “integral advice”.

Readers get everything in one place and will continue reading your blog as a result of useful information that memorized. The ideal measure for pillar articles is 1 in ever 6 blog posts.

  1. Outsource your content

Even if you have a cleverly-devised content marketing plan, your traffic can still stagnate. In most cases, this is because you can’t supply as much content as people need. To resolve this problem, you need to outsource written content. This business model gives you additional time for actual CRO-oriented marketing campaigns. But you need to understand that HR software in this case in one of the most important tips.

Writing tools such as NinjaEssays or paperwritingpro.com can create whole campaigns for you. Every prominent blogger needs writing services to meet demand. Automation is a solid investment.

  1. …or you can refresh and paraphrase

The most successful blogs operate on a constant post-and-refresh schedule. What does this mean? Well, statistically, you will rank higher on Google if your traffic comes from a large number of posts. Self-linking is the best way to refresh old content.

Another good option is paraphrasing and including new statistics. Nobody will want to read even the most thoroughly linked posts if they’re using statistical data from 2015. How about you go one step further and create the actual data?

  1. Do your own research

Backlinking is the best way to achieve jumps in traffic in both long-term and short-term planning. What is something every client or interested buyer wants? Proof and statistics.

To gain recognition via backlinking, you should do your own research on topics closely related to the hottest topics in the industry. Such an approach might be difficult, but it always pays off

If you don’t have the time nor the resources, use a case study writing service for custom case studies and reports with your data.

  1. Crosslink your most important posts

Unlike backlinking, which involves other entities, crosslinking involves only the use of your own organic links. Google will index your content much faster and lead to increases in traffic if you do interlinking. The more Google registers one post in a single blog ecosystem, the higher your ranking will be.

For SEO purposes, inflate the numbers using “pillar content”. Promote your best posts and attract even more traffic.

  1. Combine PPC campaigns only with new posts

Even if you specialize in evergreen content, there is nothing that indicates people will always be “highly” interested in such content. New, over a short-term range has outstanding effects on long-term blog traffic. This has been proven in many case studies. Therefore, if you launch PPC campaigns, make sure they include either:

  • Announcements for new content – to generate hype
  • Links to new content – to capitalize on the hype
  • Link to your home page – for further reading
  1. Expand on other bloggers’ content

This strategy can pay dividends if you use it wisely. Basically, all you need to do is read and educate yourself on a daily basis. Chances are you already do this, so you won’t have any difficulties. Read the work of leading experts in your niche and write down the most interesting thoughts.

Use them as writing prompts and seek inspiration from their conclusions and approach. Never, however, should you ever plagiarize and use other people’s work without permission.

  1. Reach out personally

This might come as a surprise, but a lot of successful collaborations happen because of immediate contact between bloggers and their collaborators. If you’re in the beginnings stages of blog development, you could use support from bigger, more established blogs.

Send emails or messages on social media. People respond, but only if you structuralize your syntax properly and avoid using clichés.

  1. Hire more writers

No matter how expansive your knowledge is, there is no way that you can change your writing tone on a single post-basis. To prevent people getting bored from your content, offer lesser-known bloggers financial compensation to write for you.

Give them clear directions and topics, but let them express themselves freely. The result should involve a significant boost in traffic.

  1. Link to authority sites

Never, at any stage of your blogging endeavors, should you make baseless claims. Even if something you say is true, you have to provide evidence for it. In most cases, people are satisfied with just the appearance of an authority site.

As for SEO, Google recognized proper backlinking of authority sites and rewards you as long as it’s at a normal rate.

Concluding thoughts

Each of these 10 ways to boost your traffic yields results, but they work best when combined. Seeing drastic changes takes some time, so the most important thing is to be consistent. Pay attention to analytics so that you have additional room for experimenting and improving existing strategies. Stay inspired and don’t forget to follow the latest marketing trends.

Author bio

Kurt Walker has been working as an editor and copywriter at custom essay writing service, one of the most up and coming solutions in the world of content provision. In the past, Kurt developed several business models revolving around content tools such as EssayMama and EduBirdie. He also blogs in his free time, covering topics from productivity to case study creation tips.

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