How Successful Entrepreneurs Apply Growth Strategies to Their Businesses and Personal Development


We all have two sides which project us in two different dimensional, namely personal and professional. If we try to pay too much attention to one of them, the other is in danger to crumble. Since we cannot live without one or the other, we need to find the perfect balance between them.

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The following growth strategies will satisfy both the professional and personal plans

Thus, the time you invest in their research and implementation will be in the name of both of them. Moreover, these are all inspired by successful entrepreneurs throughout the world. So, let’s see what these are!


1. Learning

The fact is that we are at the rise of a new professional era. The business world is currently going through a steady process of adapting to the advent of the Internet. There are signs everywhere around us that indicate this fact. More and more job openings are embracing the idea of working from home. The impact of the Internet in the business world has given birth to new terms and practices such as the Internet of Things or Cloud Migration.

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In order to survive these waves of innovation, a business needs to have a flexible nature that adapts to any given situation. The shock of change can be contained only by knowledge. If you start learning all the things connected to your area of expertise, you will have a bird’s view over the trends that shape your industry. You can opt to learn by enrolling in a traditional university or get a course online. Educational sites such as RMIT Online offer online programs that will help you get advanced knowledge depending on the specific field you want to involve yourself in. Consequently, improving your professional career with new technology and strategies will come naturally.‌

Learning will also improve your personal life. As we speak, acclaimed Universities throughout the world are starting to re-invent their classroom. Research studies indicate that these leading educators may be on the right track in encouraging students towards entrepreneurship and independent thinking.  A sharp mind will help you take the best decisions in your life almost all the time.

2. Re-imagine Failure

The fear of not attaining success is holding back too many brilliant minds, unfortunately. However, most world known entrepreneurs understood what lies beyond doubt. There are opportunities everywhere around us, but some prefer to let them go if there’s any trace of failure in their implementation.

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For too much time, people allowed their errors describe them as professionals or as persons. By doing so, they neglect the other side of the truth that comprises all their great accomplishments. However, the great minds of the century such as Bill Gates, Henry Ford, and Walt Disney showed us that reality is the other way around. One successful idea after thousands of failed attempts equals victory.

So, one of the best growth strategies out there for both personal and professional development is to see failure as a constructive lesson. There is always a reason why some projects don’t enjoy prosperity. Once you learn the recipe to failure, its opposite will mean the formula to success. Pressure is the one that makes people, not comfort.

3. Networking

What does a successful entrepreneur have in common with a fulfilled person? The answer can be relationships. Together with the fact that we are social beings and we thrive best in a harmonious community, any business relies on many other people and companies for success. The most important connections for a brand are the clients, colleagues, and its partners. Without them, the brand has no future in its industry.

So, the best you can do to enjoy this growth hack to its fullness is to attend as many events you can. These can be product launches, holiday parties, board meetings, seminars, charity functions, and many others. You should also cover the digital space by creating profiles on all major social channels. By being active on them with posts and shares, you will increase the number of followers, and you can become a voice of authority in your field.

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Networking or embracing the idea of going on dates is also the path to finding the right partner for you. Many people were hurt by their previous relationships. However, if you refuse to meet other potential partners, you will remain with no options to find your other half. Keep an open mind whenever you get in contact with someone new.

4. Become a Mentor

One thing you can observe in some successful entrepreneurs is that they invest in others. Some people choose to conceal their professional and personal strategies to follow their impulse of remaining relevant and unique. However, the path to growth will always be a group effort.

Keeping your thoughts and hard-earned life lessons to yourself will get you only a limited territory in the industry. On the other hand, if you choose to become a mentor to someone that is eager to learn more, you will not only assure your legacy, but you will also extend your influence. Taking an apprentice is a good way to rethink your industry. With a new perspective comes a new opportunity to come up with the next successful idea. Moreover, your apprentices will not always stay under your wing. They will conquer the industry on their own, and they will someday show their gratitude for your teachings.

As far as the personal development is concerned, you can become a good mentor for your children or persons who went astray. Sometimes, all a man needs is a little guidance and wisdom. The community will win a better member while you will become a better self.

5. Get Out of Comfort Zone

As much as we’d want to, reality will never adapt to our skills and limits. On the contrary, things work the other way around. There will be many opened doors throughout our careers and personal development. But if we refuse to conform ourselves to the rules of the new opportunity, we will lose it eventually.

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So, get your head out of the mountain of reports or get out of the house, and start looking for your next frightening challenge. Go to the gym and start a different kind of aerobics class, like belly dancing or T-rex training. Climb Mount Everest, learn to swim, join a marathon. All the limits you imposed on yourself by saying “I can’t do that!” are just imaginary lines created by your thoughts. By going beyond them, you will be able to easily adapt to whatever unprecedented situation your destiny or professional career will bring in your path.

So, these are the five growth strategies that will be of much use throughout your entire life. Even though we try to keep them separated, your work and personal time will always orbit around you. So, take the time to invest in yourself, and you will enjoy success on any plan.

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